...a movement for social activism and change...



Our day has arrived. The forecast for Saturday is 65 degrees, partly cloudy with 20% chance of rain...but it will not rain- mother nature is against this war as well.

We have done an excellent job getting the word out. People will be coming to Marion Square from all parts of the city, all parts of the state, and all walks of life.

Although the day has come, there will still be work to do- we will need people to come to the park to help set up- I’m thinking around 12- we must hang up all the artwork, set up the park for the rally, set up the tables (borrow extra stuff), and then we will have one last chance to bring the people to the park. There will be tourists who will walk the streets- surely some of them will be against the war as well- so let’s make sure they know about it. And we will remind the people…

Then the rally. We will make sure all goes smoothly, because something is bound to happen- that is just life. We will help make the atmosphere one for peace. One of love. One of cooperation, and humanity.

Then we will clean up the park- recycle all we can. And watch the world as our message will be sent. To all who have worked on this- I say we get together afterwards and celebrate. Pat ourselves on the back.... and enjoy each other's company without the stress of work. By day we will create a movement for peace, this is cause to take time and thank those who have helped, those who have sacrificed with you, those who you have grown close to throughout this process.

Again- and I cannot say this enough- you all have made this happen. And I thank you and salute you.



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