...a movement for social activism and change...


Some Upcoming Events

Charleston Drinking Liberally Organization

Drinking Liberally was started in New York City two years ago by a group of folks who sought a forum for Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives to come together in a pressure free environment to share a pint of brew and talk about the politics that binds us all.

Drinking Liberally Charleston will converge upon Salty Mike's at the City Marina (17 Lockwood Drive) on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 5-7pm. This is an ongoing event that you are always welcome to attend. Twice a month, you will receive a friendly reminder of the upcoming Happy Hour.

You'll never be guilted for not showing. You'll never be guilted into volunteering. You'll never be guilted for not making a financial contribution. You WILL enjoy the company of other like-minded folks. Please join us for the very first Happy Hour on Thursday April 21 from 5-7PM. We look forward to seeing you then!


Help Build a Buffer Garden at Brittlebank

Volunteers are needed to help build a buffer garden in Brittlebank Park on April 16 and April 23. The building will take place from 9am until noon and from 1pm until 4pm.

Buffers composed of plant species native to the South Carolina coast protect the coast by filtering nonpoint pollution that runs from impervious surfaces into our waterways. By building the buffer to filter pollution, we maintain the standards of our recreational areas, the health of our fisheries and the quality of our water.

Water and snacks will be provided. Volunteers are asked to bring gardening tools.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Kristan McKinne at plantinthepark@yahoo.com or 953-7858.


Anyone out there concerned about drilling for oil in the Arctic? Pissed off about rising gas prices? Looking for an alternative to America's obsession with fossil fuels? Then this next Thinking People meeting is for you…

Join us this Sunday night for a potluck gathering downtown at Don Pierce's house from 5-7pm. Our guest speaker will be Ary Fun, a local expert on biodiesel. Come and hear info on fueling your vehicle with veggie oil. Bring your questions and ideas and some healthy food and drink to share. Here are directions to Don's House. Please see the
attachment for a map.

If you plan on attending the meeting, please RSVP to Don directly at donniepierce@hotmail.com.

**Thinking People will also have a table set up at the Earth Day Festival on April 23rd, 11a-3p, Park Circle, North Charleston. Come by for more info and a biodiesel fuel demo.


Health Care Issues

MUSC is putting together an uninsured week: to raise awareness about the health-care crisis in America. Events this year for Cover the Uninsured Week will be:

1. A panel featuring a physician who has worked extensively with uninsured patients, deals with health policy issues, and is intimately familiar with the plight of the uninsured, especially in this city. The panel will also feature
local Charlestonians who have faced the problem of being uninsured. (4/18 12-1

2. A healthcare reform debate between a representative of the American Medical Association (AMA) and a representative of the Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), moderated by a member of the Family Medicine department who is
a former National President of the American Medical Student Association. (4/19 12-1pm)

3. A Rally for the Uninsured with speakers about the issue of the uninsured, along with the opportunity for attendees to participate in a letter-writing campaign to legislators regarding Medicaid, etc. covering the uninsured issue. (4/19 5:15 - 6:00 pm)

Rachel Rosansky
Medical University of South Carolina


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